Chris Irvine, MD


Currently accepting new patients- No Medicare and Adult Medicaid

Dr. Chris Irvine is a Family Medicine physician who works to create a space of empowerment for his patients, supporting them in living their lives to the fullest.  He has a holistic approach to healthcare and wellness that is patient centered, proactive, and rooted in shared decision making. He has long been involved with nutrition and lifestyle coaching, sports performance culture, and integrative healing therapies. Chris is sensitive to spirituality surrounding life, aging and death and wants to honor his patient’s best wishes—helping to guide each person to solutions and therapies that are informed by sound research and in sync with their unique lived experience.

His formal training in medicine started in medical school at the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico and continued into a in full spectrum, community based Family Medicine residency at Natividad Medical Center in Salinas, California.  After completing residency, Chris’s work has included a federally qualified community health center, acute care hospital medicine, lifestyle coaching, and a fellowship in genomics and precision medicine through Wild Health.  When not at work, he enjoys cooking delicious meals for his family and friends, trying to grow plants, and being humbled in Brazilian jujitsu.